F. Maita, L. Maiolo, I. Lucarini, J. I. Del Rio De Vicente, A.
Sciortino, M. Ledda, V. Mussi, A. Lisi, A. Convertino
Revealing Low
Amplitude Signals of Neuroendocrine Cells through Disordered Silicon
Nanowires-Based Microelectrode Array
Advanced Science 10(24), 2301925 (2023)
DOI: 0.1002/advs.202301925
G. Lancia, C. Durastanti, C. Spitoni, I. De Benedictis,
A. Sciortino, E.N.M. Cirillo,
M. Ledda, A. Lisi, A. Convertino, and V. Mussi
Learning models for classifying Raman spectra of genomic DNA from
tumor subtypes
Scientific Reports 13, 11370 (2023)
Editors V. Mussi, A. Convertino, and A. Lisi
Special Issue "Nanostructured Surfaces and Devices for Biomedical
Micromachines 13, (2022) section "B: Biology and
C. Durastanti, E.N.M. Cirillo, I. De Benedictis, M. Ledda, A. Sciortino,
A. Lisi, A. Convertino, and V. Mussi
Statistical Classification for Raman Spectra of Tumoral Genomic DNA
Micromachines 13, 1388 (2022)
V. Mussi, M. Ledda, D. Polese, L. Maiolo, D. Paria, I. Barman,
M.G. Lolli, A. Lisi, and A. Convertino
Silver-coated silicon nanowire platform discriminates genomic DNA from
normal and malignant human epithelial cells using label-free Raman
Materials Science & Engineering C 122, 111951 (2021)
V. Mussi, M. Ledda, A. Convertino, and A. Lisi
Raman Mapping of Biological Systems Interacting with a Disordered
Nanostructured Surface: A Simple and Powerful Approach to the Label-Free
Analysis of Single DNA Bases
Micromachines 12, 264 (2021)
D. Paria, A. Convertino, V. Mussi, L. Maiolo, and I. Barman
Silver-Coated Disordered Silicon Nanowires Provide Highly Sensitive
Label-Free Glycated Albumin Detection through Molecular Trapping and
Plasmonic Hotspot Formation
Advanced Healthcare Materials 10, 2001110 (2020)
V. Mussi
Nanostructured substrates for biomedical applications
Edorium Open 1, 4-8 (2018)
A. Convertino, V. Mussi, L. Maiolo, M. Ledda, M. G. Lolli,
F. A. Bovino, G. Fortunato, and M. Rocchia, and A. Lisi
Array of disordered silicon nanowires coated by a gold film for combined
NIR photothermal treatment of cancer cells and Raman monitoring of the
process evolution
Nanotechnology 29, 415102 (2018)
V. Mussi, A. Convertino, L. Maiolo, M. Rocchia,
Using Raman microscopy to monitor the surface modifications of
disordered array of gold (Au) covered silicon nanowires for SERS biosensing
Application Note Thermo Fisher Scientific (2018)
A. Convertino, V. Mussi, and L. Maiolo
Disordered array of Au covered Silicon nanowires for SERS biosensing
combined with electrochemical detection
Scientific Reports 6, 25099 (2016)