Workshop on
Fractals in Pure and Applied Sciences
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers working in the area of fractals, irregular shapes and networks with a special focus on real world applications.
Invited speakers
Ugo Bessi Università degli Studi Roma 3
Fabio Eugenio Giovanni Cipriani Politecnico di Milano
Daniele Guido Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Michael Hinz Bielefeld University
Giorgio Domenico Pio Mantica Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Andrea Moiola Università di Pavia
Delio Mugnolo University of Hagen
Roberto Peirone Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Goran Radunović University of Zagreb
Maja Resman University of Zagreb
Anna Rozanova-Pierrat Centrale Supélec, Univertité Paris-Saclay
Alberto Giulio Setti Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Alexander Teplyaev University of Connecticut
Steffen Winter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Organizing and scientific committee
Raffaela Capitanelli
Simone Creo
Ismail Labaali
Maria Rosaria Lancia
Sponsored by "Sapienza" Projects:
A constructive approach to some problems of analysis on fractals and on irregular structures PI Lancia
Fractal analysis between theory and applications PI Lancia
Diffusion processes on irregular structures PI Capitanelli
Fractal and Fractional PI Capitanelli