Welcome to the website of the department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering (SBAI). Our department brings together scientists working in subjects of mathematical, physical and chemical disciplines that have a significant application aspect. Our aim is to form a bridge between basic sciences and technical achievements, using physical and chemical principles and mathematical methods to develop new technologies.
The department SBAI was created on July 2010 by the union of three pre-existing departments (the department MeMoMat for applied mathematics, the department of Energetic and the chemistry site of the department ICMA). The establishment of the SBAI Department has strengthened the specificity of training in basic and applied sciences in the Faculties of Engineering and has facilitated the coordination necessary to achieve a good teaching organization for students. An innovative activity to which the SBAI Department has made an essential contribution since the initial design phase is represented by the inter-faculty master's degree program in Nanotechnology Engineering, in which the chemistry and physics courses are characteristic.
The Department SBAI is part of the faculty of Civil Engineering of the University “La Sapienza” of Rome https://www.ing.uniroma1.it/en . Most part of the teaching activity of the faculty members of the Department SBAI is indeed directed towards courses of the faculty ICI. Other teaching activity is turned to courses of other faculties Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Informatica e Statistica (204 CFU), Medicina e Odontoiatria (6 CFU), Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali (12 CFU), Lettere, Scienze Umanistiche e Studi Orientali (12 CFU), Architettura (16 CFU).
The Department SBAI has a library and teaching and computer labs available to students, Ph.D students and post-docs.
The Department SBAI owns a room named “sala lettura A. Ghizzetti” opened 24/7 to students of “La Sapienza”.
Director: Prof. Adalberto Sciubba Head of the Administrative staff: Dr. Roberta Solvi