Incontri di Algebra e Geometria allo SBAI
Aula 1B1, Pal. RM002
14.30 - 15.30
Ramanujan-type formulas for 1/π
Abstract : pdf
15.30 - 16.00 breve coffee-break
16.00 - 17.00
Mirko Primc (University of Zagreb)
Colored partition identities and representations of affine Lie algebras
Abstract :
Lepowsky and Wilson gave a Lie-theoretic interpretation and proof of the classical series of Rogers-Ramanujan, Gordon, Andrews and Bressaud combinatorial identities. Two Capparelli identities were the first new partition identities discovered within the representation theory of affine Lie algebras. In this talk I'll describe how several series of colored partition identities appear in representation theory of symplectic affine Lie algebras, some starting with Capparelli identities and some still conjectured.