Published papers
M. Amar,
D. Andreucci,
C. Timofte
Concentration and homogenization in composites with total flux interface conditions
Ann. Math. Pura Appl. (2025)
D. Andreucci,
A.F. Tedeev
The Cauchy problem for doubly degenerate parabolic equations with weights
Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 32, 26 (2025)
B. Calusi
Flow of fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity down an incline: Long-wave
linear stability analysis
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 168, 104930 (2025)
B. Calusi,
A. Farina,
R. Gianni
Self-similar solution to the Stefan problem on surfaces of revolution
Rend. Lincei Mat. App. 35, 215-236 (2024)
B. Calusi,
A. Farina,
L. Fusi,
F. Rosso
Thermo-mechanical modeling of pancakelike domes on Venus
Physica of Fluids 36, 056607 (2024)
B. Calusi,
L.I. Palade
Modeling of a Fluid with Pressure-Dependent Viscosity in Hele-Shaw Flow
Modeling 5, 1490-1504 (2024)
S. Carillo,
M. Chipot
On some nonlocal in time and space parabolic problem
Applied Numerical Mathematics 208, 314 (2025)
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli,
Martin Kröger, L. Rondoni
Particle transport and finite-size effects in Lorentz channels with
finite horizons
Physica D 472, 134512 (2025)
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli,
Antonio Di Francesco, Martin Kröger, L. Rondoni
Particle traps and stationary currents captured by an active 1D model
Physica A 642, 129763 (2024)
E.N.M. Cirillo,
V. Jacquier, C. Spitoni
Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation in the three-state Blume-Capel model
Physica D 461, 134125 (2024)
E.N.M. Cirillo,
G. Lancia, C. Spitoni
Block approximations for probabilistic mixtures of elementary
cellular automata
Physica A 654, 130150 (2024)
C. Binetti, A. Cannizzo,
G. Florio,
N.M. Pugno, G. Puglisi, S. Giordano
Exploring the Impact of Thermal Fluctuations on Continuous Models of Adhesion
International Journal of Engineering Science 208, 104194 (2025)
V. Fazio,
G. Florio,
N.M. Pugno, G. Puglisi
Modeling spider silk supercontraction as a hydration-driven
solid-solid phase transition
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids 195, 105959 (2025)
G. Florio,
S. Giordano, G. Puglisi
Effects of Temperature and Random
Forces in Phase Transformation of Multi-Stable Systems
Entropy 26, 1109 (2024)
L. Fusi,
A. Farina,
K.R. Rajagopal
A note on longitudinal and
torsional oscillations of a rod in a generalized non-Newtonian fluid
International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 166, 104836 (2024)
L. Fusi,
A. Giovinetto
A spectral numerical scheme for the
two-dimensional flow of a regularized viscoplastic fluid: numerical
results and comparison with analytical solution
Mathematics and computers in simulations 225, 1237-1256 (2024)
L. Fusi, L. Giovinetto
A spectral collocation scheme for the flow of a
piezo-viscous fluid in ducts with slip conditions
Computational Fluid Mechanics 38, 879 (2024)
L. Fusi, I. Nesi
Linear stability analysis of plane Poiseuille flow of a
De-Kée-Turcotte fluid
Physics of Fluids 36, 083123 (2024)
L. Fusi, R. Tozzi
Falkner-Skan boundary layer flow of a fluid with
pressure-dependent viscosity past a stretching wedge with suction or
International Journal of Non-Linear mechanics 163, 104746 (2024)
J. Ciambella, G. Lucci,
P. Nardinocchi
Anisotropic evolution of viscous strain in soft biological materials
Mechanics of Materials, 104976 (2024)
M. Curatolo, G. Napoli,
P. Nardinocchi,
S. Turzi
Swelling-driven soft elastic catapults
International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 162, 104727 (2024)
P. Nardinocchi,
S.H.Ommi, G. Sciarra
Swelling-driven mechanics of partially cross-linked polymer gels:
Steady state solutions
International Journal of Engineering Science
202, 104101 (2024)
A.C. Barroso, J. Matias,
E. Zappale
A global method for relaxation for multi-levelled structured deformations
Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 31, 50 (2024)
G. Bertazzoni, M. Eleuteri,
E. Zappale
Approximation of L
∞ functionals with generalized Orlicz norms
Annali di Matematica (2024)
L. D'Elia, M. Eleuteri,
E. Zappale
Homogenization of supremal functionals in the vectorial case (via
Analysis and Applications 22, 1255-1302 (2024)
R. Ferreira, J. Matias,
E. Zappale
Junction in a thin multi-domain for nonsimple grade two materials in BH
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 84, 104322 (2025)
S. Krömer, M. Kružík, M. Morandotti,
E. Zappale
Measure-Valued Structured Deformations
J. Nonlinear Sci. 34, 100 (2024)