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School of
              Photonics 2016 - Plasmonics and Nano-Optics 
 Cortona, July 10-14, 2016








  • Theoretical introduction: basics of plasmonics and nano-scale light matter interactions (Vincenzo Giannini)
    • In these lectures, I will review the theoretical basis of plasmonics starting from a classical electromagnetic problem and cover until the recent advances in quantum plasmonics. Particular emphasis will be given to light-matter aspects as excitations and control of surface plasmons polaritons, nanoantennas, emitter interaction with plasmonics structures and impact in nanophotonics.
      Nanoplasmonics is the emerging research field that studies light–matter interactions mediated by resonant excitations of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. It allows the manipulation of the flow of light and its interaction with matter at the nanoscale (10^−9 m). One of the most promising characteristics of plasmonic resonances is that they occur at frequencies corresponding to typical electronic excitations in matter. This leads to the appearance of strong interactions between localized surface plasmons and light emitters (such as molecules, dyes, or quantum dots) placed in the vicinity of metals.
      The primary goal is to give an updated introduction to the plasmonics field.

  • Hyperbolic metamaterials (Anatoly Zayats)
    • Hyperbolic metamaterials is a class of anisotropic metamaterials which can be constructed in all frequency ranges from UV to RF. Due to their specific isofrequency surfaces they support high wavevector modes and are crucial for achieving high-resolution imaging, subwavelength waveguiding, enhanced nonlinearities and broadband Purcell factors in spontaneous emission.

  • Current hot topics (Stefan Maier)     
    • This lecture will introduce students to basic concepts of plasmonic and dielectric nanoantennas operating from the visible to the mid-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Additionally a number of applications drawn from optical sensing, nonlinear optics, and optomechanics will be discussed.

  • Biosensing (Christiane Höppener)
    • Knowledge on biological matter and processes is directly correlated with advances in optical microscopy. Since the majority of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids do not exhibit strong spectroscopic responses upon excitation by light, e.g. photoluminescence, Rayleigh-scattering, absorption or Raman-scattering, their direct chemical identification by optical means is often prevented. Only few cellular building blocks provide fluorescence properties, e.g. cholophyll, rhodopsine, etc., and thus, are directly optically accessible. To overcome these limitations optical probes with improved optical properties are utilized to enable studies down to the single molecule level and enhancing the light matter interaction with plasmonic nanoantennas is exploited to study biological matter. Key concepts to accomplish high resolution and sensitivity-enhanced investigations will be discussed..

  • Extreme field enhancement: nonlinear effects, chirality, superchirality  (Ventsislav K. Valev)
    • Because of the possibility to achieve negative refractive index in metamaterials and the advent of superchiral light, the general area of chirality is currently undergoing a remarkable revolution. Due to the favorable power-law scaling of near-field enhancements, new nonlinear optical properties are emerging in chiral metasurfaces and metamaterials as well.

  • Nano-optics (individual emitters, dielectric antennas) (Mario Agio)
    • Nano Optics expands our ability to interrogate and manipulate quantum emitters, with important implications for information technology, imaging and sensing.
      In my lecture I will review the basics of single-molecule spectroscopy and bring that context to the recent advances (e.g. color centres in diamonds, nano-spectroscopy).
      I will also discuss approaches that largely improve light-matter interaction and I will do so using the nano-antenna concept.
      Finally, I will highlight emerging opportunities based on planar and dielectric antenna structures.

  • Quantum optics and quantum plasmonics  (Fabio A. Bovino)
    • The lectures will be focused on new schemes of Quantum computing that could exploit plasmon-polariton propagation mechanism.
      All-optical quantum computing became feasible when, in 2001, a breakthrough known as the KLM (Knill-Laflamme-Milburn) scheme showed that scalable quantum computing is possible using only single-photon sources and detectors, and linear optical circuits. This scheme relies on quantum interference between auxiliary photons at a beam splitter and the use of single-photon detection in order to induce not-deterministic interactions. In the past ten years, the KLM scheme has moved from a mathematical proof of concept, towards practical realization, with demonstrations of simple quantum algorithms and theoretical developments that dramatically reduce the resource overhead. Today, efforts are focused on the realization of high efficiency single-photon detectors and sources, devices that would enable a deterministic interaction between photons, and chip-scale waveguide quantum circuits. However, despite integration, the actual physical dimensions are still several centimeters, which renders current on-chip photonic circuits rather bulky. Furthermore, a fundamental incompatibility arises between photonics and nanometer-scale electronics because light breaks free when confined to sizes below its wavelength. Instead, coupling light to the free electrons of metals can lead to quasiparticles called plasmons with nanometer-scale mode volumes. Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) offer a unique  alternative  for  nanoscale  components  beyond  the fundamental limits of dielectric and semiconductor waveguides, opening a new route to on-chip nanophotonic devices and, in particular, to the building-blocks for quantum computing. Moreover, a new architecture, based on the so-called classical Entanglement, is introduced to overcome the KLM scheme. The present proposal of architecture provides the realization of deterministic gates (not affected by “repeat until success” limitation of usual quantum gates), that can be used to build very complex circuits for several applications, such as  teleportation, large number factorization (as an example, 56153 with only 4 qubits), Bell state generation. Moreover, the architecture provides the realization of perfect Bell measurements. Net improvements with respect to usual schemes are given by the use of only a single photon or coherent states to run the quantum processing with more robustness under de-coherence and a faster response.

  • Plasmonic metasurfaces (Zeno Gaburro)
    • Metasurfaces are an interesting subclass of metamaterials for at least three practical reasons. First, there is a straightforward way to fabricate such materials by exploiting the well-established planar semiconductor technology, with minor adaptations. Second, considering the loss issues, it is easier to realize actually interesting devices for industry, even resorting to materials whose losses are severely limiting any practical 3D solution. We sold our 2D patent to industry, indeed. Finally, there is a clear path towards integration of 2D plasmonics with electronics. This said, it comes to an added value that metasurfaces allow a fine (and way more interesting) discussion, which will be the core of my lecture, about some aspects of physics of waves, especially on the role of impedance and dimensionality in light-matter interaction.

  • Magneto-plasmonics (Paolo Vavassori)
    • The rapidly developing field of magneto-plasmonics merges concepts from plasmonics and magnetism to realize novel and unexpected phenomena and functionalities for the manipulation of light at the nanoscale.
      This lecture will cover recent advances in the field, which contributed to broaden the understanding and control of optics at the nanoscale in ferromagnetic nanostrucutres owing to the intertwined optical and magneto-optical properties.
      The fundamentals aspects of the physics underlying the optical behavior of magneto-plasmonic systems are introduced.
      Applications of such multifunctional optical metamaterials to variety of emerging technologies are presented as an example of their broad scientific and technological perspectives.

  • Novel plasmonic phenomena in van der Waals heterostructures (Marco Polini)
    • Van der Waals heterostructures comprising graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, and metal gates host ultra-confined long-lived collective plasmon, phonon, and plasmon-phonon polariton modes spanning the whole spectral range from the mid-infrared to the Terahertz (THz) band. In my talk I will review recent experimental and theoretical advances focusing on the fundamental properties of these intriguing collective excitations. In particular, I will discuss sources of losses that limit the propagation of these modes, tunability beyond electro-chemical gating as offered by moiré superlattices, hybrid graphene/boron nitride/metal stacks for THz plasmonics, extraordinary plasmon-phonon coupling, and all-electrical detection. I will conclude
      by highlighting opportunities offered by van der Waals stacks of two-dimensional materials for applications in the field of plasmon technologies.


  • The key pillars of Horizon2020 and the collaboration between university/research institutions and industry (Roberta Ramponi)
    • Horizon2020 is based on three pillars, Excellent Science, Industrial Competitiveness, and Societal Challenges, and it aims to cover the full value chain from basic research to innovation and market deployment, so as to overcome the so-called “valley of death”. The Industrial Competitiveness pillar focusses on the six Key Enabling Technologies (Micro and Nanoelectronics, Photonics, Nanotechnologies, Biotechnologies, Advanced Materials, and Advanced Manufacturing) that have been identified as essential to meet the challenge of a better future for humanity. The programs related to this pillar foster collaboration between university/research institutions and industry through new models such as technology platforms.

  • Ultra-high resolution Raman Imaging: when Spectroscopy meets Scanning Probe Microscopy (LOT-QD)
    • LOT-QuantumDesign is one of the leading European distributors of high-tech instrumentation and consumables for scientific, academic and industrial research. Our represented company WITec is the leading German manufacturer of nano-analytical microscope systems (Raman, AFM, SNOM).
      In this tutorial, the state-of-the-art of commercial, high-resolution chemical imaging solutions will be presented with particular emphasis to the combination of Raman Imaging and Scanning Probes techniques. An insight into the design and key-components of currently available instrumentation will be given, together with an overview of most recent applications.

  • SPARC  system  (Delmic B. V.)
    • DELMIC B.V. is a company based in Delft, the Netherlands that produces correlative light and electron microscopy solutions. One of its products is a high-performance cathodoluminescence detection system; the SPARC. The system is designed to optimally collect and detect cathodoluminescence emission, enabling fast and sensitive material characterization at the nanoscale.
      The SPARC system is unique due to its modularity, sensitivity and reproducibility. The system opens up new avenues of research such as Electron Beam Induced Nanophotonics, but its sensitivity and ease of use also make it possible to breathe life into more ‘traditional’ applications of cathodoluminescence.
      The electron beam is used to excite nanostructures and the cathodoluminescence detector is subsequently used to detect the produced light. The higher detection efficiency not only leads to better results, but also makes it possible to do a whole new type of nanophotonics research; angle resolved measurements. With this new detection method, the direction in which the light is emitted from an excited structure can be mapped.

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