
Data evento: 
Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 14:30

Pattern formation in nonlinear phenomena
(Codice Progetto 20227HX33Z . CUP B53D23009120006)
Finanziato dall'Unione europea - Next Generation EU - PNRR M4.C2.1.1

Il giorno giovedì 19 settembre 2024 alle ore 14.30 in aula 1B1 (RM002) del Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate per l’Ingegneria, Via Antonio Scarpa 14 16, il prof. Mirco Piccinini (Università di Pisa) e il prof. Giampiero Palatucci (Università di P arma) terranno un seminario congiunto dal titolo
Asymptotic approach to singular solutions for the CR Yamabe equation (part I & part II)
Abstract dell’attività seminariale:
«We will investigate the effects of the lack of compactness in the critical Folland Stein( Sobolev) embedding in the Heisenberg group. In particular, by means of Γ convergence techniques, we will show that optimal functions of a subcritical energy approximation of the
Sobolev quotient in bounded (not necessarily regular) domains do conce ntrate energy at a single point. Moreover, in clear accordance with the underlying geometry, we show that the concentration of the energy happens at a critical point for the Robin function (i. e., the diagonal of the regular part of the Green function asso ciated to the involved domain), thus proving that an analogous of a conjecture of Brezis and Peletier does still hold in the Heisenberg group.»
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