Plasma Wakefield Acceleration via PIC simulations

Simulazione 3D Particle in Cell per uno schema di Plasma Wakefield Acceleration.
3D Particle in Cell simulation for a Plasma Wakefield Acceleration scenario.


Plasma Wakefield Acceleration process relies on transferring the energy from a large electron bunch (driver) to a follower smaller electron bunch (witness) using a plasma as an interaction medium. The driver, generating a plasma charge unbalance, induces a wake with strong electric fields (several GV/m); these electric field confine and accelerate the witness. Particle-in-cell (PIC) codes are the standard to investigate the underlying physics, in this picture we observe an ALaDyn pic simulation, however their main drawback is the required running time and HPC resources. PIC are indeed computationally very expensive and any PWFA or LWFA schemes require a massive use of HPC-clusters: for this simulation we used 1024 cpus for 96 hours.


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