Applied mathematics, mathematical modelling and analysis of
nonlinear PDEs and free boundary problems arising
from Physics and Engineering (Fluid Dynamics,
Materials Science, Image Processing,...).
Well-posedness (existence, uniqueness,
non-uniqueness phenomena, regularity), qualitative
behavior of solutions (scaling laws, asymptotics, singular limits), formation and
evolution of interfaces and singularities (speed
of propagation, waiting time, blow-up).
Linear and nonlinear PDE (energy/entropy, maximal
regularity), variational (semicontinuity and
relaxation, blow-up, direct and indirect
arguments), ODE, matched asymptotics.
SBAI Department
Sapienza U. Rome
Via A. Scarpa, 16
00161 Roma - Italy
Office: RM002, room L024
Tel.: + 39 064976 6709
Fax: + 39
064976 6684
Skype: lorenzo-giacomelli
Email SBAI
istituzionale SAPIENZA