A.M. Bersani, C. Sciarretta - "Asymptotic Analysis for a Closed Processor-Sharing System with Switching Times: Normal Usage" - SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 51, n.2, pp. 525-541 (1991).
J. Andres, A.M. Bersani, K. Lesniak - "On some almost-periodicity problems in various metrics" - Acta Appl. Math. - vol. 65, pp. 35-57 (2001).
J. Andres, A.M. Bersani - "Almost-periodicity problem as a fixed-point problem for evolution inclusions" - Topol. Meth. Nonlin. Anal. - vol. 18, pp. 337-349 (2001).
J. Andres, A.M. Bersani, F.R. Grande - "Hierarchy of almost-periodic function spaces" - Rend. Mat., vol. 26, pp. 121 - 188 (2006).
J. Andres, A.M. Bersani, L. Radova - "Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear restoring term" - Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium - Mathematica, vol. 45, pp. 7-29 (2006).
M.G. Pedersen, A.M. Bersani, E. Bersani - "The total quasi-steady-state approximation for fully competitive enzyme reactions" - Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol. 69, n. 1, pp. 433 - 457 (2007).
M.G. Pedersen, A.M. Bersani, E. Bersani, G. Cortese - "The Total Quasi-Steady State Approximation for Complex Enzyme Reactions" - Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM), vol. 79, pp. 1010 - 1019 (2008).
M.G. Pedersen, A.M. Bersani, E. Bersani - "Quasi Steady-State Approximations in Intracellular Signal Transduction - A Word of Caution", Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, vol. 43, pp. 1318-1344 (2008).
A.M. Bersani, E. Bersani, L. Mastroeni - "Deterministic and Stochastic Models of Enzymatic Networks - applications to pharmaceutical research", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, special issue: R. Tadei and N. Bellomo (Editors), "Modeling and Computational Methods in Genomic Sciences", vol. 55, n. 5, pp. 879-888 (2008).
S. MacNamara, A.M. Bersani, K. Burrage, R.B. Sidje - "Stochastic chemical kinetics and the total quasi-steady-state assumption: application to the stochastic simulation algorithm and chemical master equation", Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 129, pp. 095105-1 / 095105-13 (2008).
M. Pedersen, A.M. Bersani - "The Total Quasi-Steady State Approximation Simplifies Theoretical Analysis at Non-Negligible Enzyme Concentrations: Pseudo First-Order Kinetics and the Loss of Zero-Order Ultrasensitivity", Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 60, pp. 267-283 (2010).
"Modeling glucose-insulin behavior in ill patients (DM type 2)", in collaborazione con G. Baratta, F. Barcellona, G. Lucidi; - 3rd International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis (ISMDA 2002), Roma, 10 - 11/10/2002, A. Colosimo, A. Giuliani, P. Sirabella eds., Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2526 (2002), pp. 71-78.
"Mathematical Models of Open and Closed Biochemical Reactions in Living Cells", in collaborazione con M. G. Pedersen, E. Bersani (extended abstract); - VIII Congresso Nazionale SIMAI, Baia Samuele (RG), 22 - 26/5/2006.
A.M. Bersani - "An eulerian approach to a class of matching problems" - Preprint Me.Mo.Mat. n. 14/2005.
A.M. Bersani, P. Lanucara, M. Rorro, V. Ruggiero, Systems Biology and Advanced Computing - preprint - accettato per la pubblicazione su MASCOT07 Proceedings, MASCOT07-IMACS/ISGG Workshop, IAC-CNR, Roma, Italy.
A.M. Bersani, E. Carlini, P. Lanucara, M. Rorro, V. Ruggiero, Application of Optimal Control techniques and Advances Computing to the study of enzyme kinetics - preprint - inviato per la pubblicazione a Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) e attualmente in fase di revisione.
A.M. Bersani, G. Dell'Acqua - Shadows and lights in enzyme kinetics: quasi-steady state approximation revisited - preprint Me.Mo.Mat. n. 1/2009 - in fase di revisione.