03.12 Hilbert space. Riesz-Frechet representation theorem.
Homogenoeous and non-homogeneous solutions to the Neumann and
the Dirichlet problems for the Laplace operator: weak
solutions, existence and uniqueness.
10.12 Maximal regularity estimates (formal) for the homogeneous
Neumann problem: in the interior and up to the boundary.
17.12 and students' seminars on January 2015. Connections
to Calculus of Variations. The Lax-Milgram theorem;
existence and uniqueness for second-order elliptic operators. Smoothness of solutions to
the Dirichlet problem.Minty-Browder Theorem: existence
and uniquenesss for the p-Laplace equation. Gagliardo-Nirenberg
interpolation inequalities.
* H. Brezis. Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and PDEs.
* L.C. Evans. Partial Differential Equations. Graduate
Studies in Mathematics 19, AMS.