Lorenzo Giacomelli's Personal Homepage Research Publications Invited Lectures Short CV Teaching First Year's Courses (I) Textbooks (I) Advanced Courses |
Conference organisation since 2022 Workshop on liquid thin films. MPI-MIS Leipzig, 26-30/08/2024. Analysis and numerics of nonlinear PDEs: degeneracies & free boundaries. Lorentz Center, Leiden, 03-07/07/2023. Nonlinear PDEs and Applications - on the occasion of Michiel Bertsch's 65(+2)th birthday. Rome, 13-15 June 2022. Invited lectures
Droplet models with singular potentials: equilibria and travelling waves. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2023. Burjassot, 24/10/2023– 26/10/2023. On well-posedness of 1-harmonic map flows. ICIAM 2023 minisymposium on Mathematical approaches to nonlinear phenomena with singularities, Tokio, 20-25.08.2023. Spreading equilibria under mildly singular potentials: pancakes versus droplets. Partial Differential Equations in Valencia 2022, Burjassot, Valencia, 21-22.06.2022. Spreading equilibria under mildly singular potentials: pancakes versus droplets. Applied Analysis Seminar, U. Heidelberg, 24.06.2021 (online). Asymptotic analysis of advancing menisci in complete wetting. MS21 - SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, minisymposium on Multi-phase Flow and Dynamics of Interfaces: Analysis and Numerics. Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (online), 17-28.05.2021. The 1-harmonic flow. Nonlocal diffusion problems, nonlocal interface evolution , IMPAN Warsaw (online), 1- 3.10.2020. The 1-harmonic flow. Seminario di Analisi, Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni "R. Caccioppoli", U. Napoli "Federico II", 27.11.2019. A nonlinear fourth-order approximation of forward-backward parabolic equations. Equadiff 2019, minisymposium on Singularity Formation in PDEs. Leiden, 8-12.07.2019. The mathematics of spreading droplets. Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, Milano, 24.06.2019. A nonlinear fourth-order approximation of forward-backward parabolic equations. COPDESC Workshop: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Regensburg, 25-28.03.2019. The 1-harmonic flow. Seminar Analysis and Applications, TU Delft, 08.01.2019. A nonlinear fourth-order approximation of forward-backward parabolic equations. The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Taipei, 5-9.07.2018. The 1-harmonic flow. Oberseminar Analysis-Probability, MPI MIS Leipzig, 24.10.2017. The 1-harmonic flow. ÖMG-DMV-Congress 2017, minisymposium on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Analysis and Geometry, 11-15.09.2017. A nonlinear fourth-order approximation of forward-backward parabolic equations. Harnack's inequalities and nonlinear operators. A conference to celebrate the 70th birthday of Emmanuele DiBenedetto. Il Palazzone, Cortona, 18-23.06.2017. Waiting-time phenomena and shock formation in flux-saturated parabolic equations. Anisotropy 2017, Warsaw, 23-25.02.2017. The 1-harmonic flow. Seminari di Equazioni Differenziali, U. Rome "Tor Vergata", 18.10.2016. The 1-harmonic flow. The total variation flow and related nonlinear evolution problems. Salzburg, 11-15.07.2016. The 1-harmonic flow into a smooth planar curve. Partial Differential Equations in Valencia 2015. Burjassot, 21-23.10.2015. Evolution of support for limited flux porous medium equations. Espalia 2015, Roma, 17-19 June 2015. Flussi gradiente della variazione totale. Incontro di Matematica alla Sapienza, Roma, 17-18.02.2015. Well-posedness for the Navier-slip thin-film equation in complete wetting. 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (special session on: Nonlinear evolution PDEs and interfaces in applied sciences), Madrid, 07-11.07.2014. Well-posedness for the Navier-slip thin-film equation in complete wetting. Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Problems -on the occasion of Alberto Tesei's 70th birthday, Roma, 25-27/06/2014. The 1-harmonic flow of a director-field. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Burjassot (Valencia), 01-05.07.2013. The 1-harmonic flow with values into spheres. Anisotropy 2013, Banach Center, Warsaw, 04-06.04.2013. Il flusso 1-armonico di un campo di versori. Seminari di Analisi Matematica, Department of Mathematics, U. Roma "La Sapienza", 10.12.2012. The 1-harmonic flow with values into spheres. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, U. Warsaw, 23.11.2012. The 1-harmonic flow with values into spheres. 7th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, 21-25.05.2012. Reduced models of wetting phenomena. Seminari di modellazione e simulazione, Dipartimento di Strutture, U. Roma 3, 15.05.2012. Mathematical models of wetting phenomena. Seminari MoMA, Dipartimento di Matematica, U. Roma "La Sapienza", 30.03.2012. Droplets spreading under contact-line friction. In: Workshop on surfactant driven thin film flow, Fields Institute, Toronto, 22-24.02.2012. Towards a regularity theory for thin-film equations. Analysis Department, U. Valencia, 17.11.2011. An overview on the thin-film equation. Oberseminar Analysis, Max-Planck-Institute for mathematics in the sciences, Leipzig, 08.02.2011. A dissipative system from strain-gradient plasticity. In: Ill-posed problems, Roma, 29-30.11.2010. A dissipative system from strain-gradient plasticity. Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, U. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, 16.09.2010. Goccioline. \Piz^2@TV(+IAC), U. Tor Vergata, 03.03.2010. Singularities of harmonic flows from the disk to the sphere. In: 6th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, 25-29.05.2009. Singularities of harmonic flows from the disk to the sphere. SFB 611 Seminar, Applied Math. Institute, U. Bonn, 06.01.2009. A nonlocal and fully nonlinear degenerate parabolic system from strain-gradient plasticity. In: SIMAI 2008 (minisymposium: "Differential Modeling in Applied Sciences", organized by D. Andreucci and S Carillo), Rome, 19.09.2008. A regularity theory for the thin-film equation. In: SIMAI 2008 (minisymposium: "Nonlinear Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics", organized by F. Camilli and A. Porretta), Rome, 15.09.2008. Singularities in harmonic flows from the disk to the sphere. Analysis Department, U. Valencia, 05.06.2008. A regularity theory for the thin-film equation. In: Optimal transport workshop II: Numerics and dynamics for optimal transport. IPAM, UCLA, Los Angeles, 14-18.04.2008. Five lectures on wetting. In: Friction and Wetting, SISSA, Trieste, 21-25.05.2007. A regularity theory for the thin-film equation. Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Roma, 13.11.2006. A nonlocal degenerate parabolic system arising in strain-gradient plasticity. In: DMV 2006 , Bonn, 17-23.09.2006. A non-local degenerate parabolic system arising from higher-order plasticity. Limit problems in analysis, Lorentz Center, Leiden (NL), 1-5.05.2006. Microscopic and effective spreading rates for shear-thinning droplets. In: UCLA-IPAM-NSF Workshop on Thin Films and Fluid Interfaces. IPAM, UCLA, Los Angeles (CA), 30.01-02.02.2006. Member of the scientific committee of "Wetting: Theory and Experiments" . Technion, Haifa (IL), 3-7.07.2005. Operatori di tipo "thin-film": struttura dissipativa e metodi di energia. Dipartimento di Matematica, U. Roma 3, 18.01.05. Operatori di tipo thin-film: una paronamica. Dipartimento di Matematica, U. Trento, 15.07.04. Rigorous lubrication approximation: a model case. In: FBP 2004, Montecatini, 10-12.06.2004. New bounds for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. In: Fifth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A special tribute to the work of Haim Brezis. Gaeta, 30.05-03.06.2004. Doubly nonlinear thin-film equations. Nonlinear Analysis Seminar, Mathematics Institute, University of Cologne, 02.02.2004. The spreading of shear-thinning liquid films. Toronto Applied Math Seminar, University of Toronto, 04.12.2003. Rigorous lubrication approximation: A model case. In: Nonlinear dynamics of thin films and fluid interfaces, Banff (CA), 29.11-04.12.2003. Teoria della lubrificazione rigorosa: dal problema di Hele-Shaw all'equazione degli strati sottili. In: XVII Congresso UMI, Milano, 8-13.09.2003. A variational approach to lubrication approximation. In: Optimal transportation and nonlinear dynamics workshop, P.I.M.S., Vancouver (CA), 11-15.08.2003. Rigorous lubrication approximation - a model case. In: Singularities in nonlinear problems, Bratislava (SK), 25-28.05.2003. Operatori di tipo "thin-film": struttura dissipativa e metodi di energia. Dipartimento di Matematica "G. Castelnuovo", Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", 17.03.2003. Lubrication approximation of shear-thinning liquids: Asymptotic and rigorous analysis. SFB 611 Colloqium, Applied Math Institut, University of Bonn, 18.02.2003. Propagation of support for thin-film equations. In: Recent advances in calculus of variations and PDE's, Pisa, November 7-9, 2002. |