Professor of Mathematical Physics, Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate per l'Ingegneria, Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, Sapienza Università di Roma.

Scientific interests: statistical mechanics, interacting particle systems, pedestrian motion, stochastic processes, diffusion, porous media, rigorous results, and computer simulations.

Teaching: mathematical physics courses for Engineering, mechanics of constrained systems and rigid bodies.

Address: Dipartimento SBAI, via A. Scarpa 16, I-00161, Roma, Italy
Office: L011, first floor, building RM002
Phone: +39 - 06 - 49 76 68 08
Fax: +39 - 06 - 49 57 647
E_mail: emilio.cirillo AT


Last modified: January 18, 2021