Plasmonics is a branch of Nanophotonics and recently a lot of interesting phenomena and application of plasmonics have been found in many different area, from a fundamental point of view to quantum information , biophotonics, security application, and in finding news devices and materials .
This forth edition of the school is to introduce participants to concept, methods, applications and the state of the art in plasmonics, with fundamental spects of the field , estending plasmonics to application in quantum information, in bio for security application , including metamaterials
The aim of the School is to introduce phd and post doc to techniques and method of the fascinating filed of plasmonics
Persons wishing to attend the Course should apply in writing to:
Professor Concita SIBILIA
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate per l'Ingegneria Via Scarpa, 16, ROMA, Italia
Tel + 39.06.49916541 – Fax + 39.06.44240183 e-mail: concita.sibilia@uniroma1.it
i) full name, address, age, nationality;
ii) academic qualification, present position and affiliation;
iii) their specific interest in the summer school.
Students should include a short C.V. in addition to a letter of recommendation from the head of their research group or from a senior scientist active in the field.
Application deadline : 30/06/2012